Donnerstag, 28. März 2013

Car broke...

So my Motor decided to go nuts....
Now my car is done for! Looks like i have to spend about 2000€ to repair it!
Yeah... that's not gonna happen... mostly because i spent only 1200€ buying it... so no... i will not spend the 2000€. And when the motor is done for, you know for sure that other parts are broken too...
So i guess this is the parting between me and my car :,(.
Screw this!!!!
Also, I yelled at my father at first, because I thought that he put in the wrong fuel when he borrowed my car.... Well, he hadn't and I haven't apologized to him yet....
But I will once he is back from work...
So no more youth nights for me until about September? Or October? Until I buy a new car....

Well.... See ya

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