Donnerstag, 21. März 2013

Tired Afro is tired!

So today I was tired...
Like really tired....
Like really really tired....
Like really really... yeah it was a messed up day!

So first of all, I wanted to sleep in the train while going to school... yet my fellow college did not quite do the Presentation for today's first Subject aaaaannnnd.... I kind of worked on it for the whole hour...
So then I went to school and guess what.... no Presentations, we watch a movie... NICE!
Well it was nice... that presentation would have been a mess up, but still.
Afterwards we had that class that I have no interest in... so I am almost falling asleep after 60 minutes. I got my Energy Drink and somehow got by with only half of it... But when I got myself something for lunch, my energy was gone when I came back...
I was really pissed...
Like really really... yeah, we're not doing that again.
So 2 games of LoL followed (loosing both, feeding once as heimer, dcs and stuff and carrying like a boss with ww, but the rest of the team didn't do well).
After that came some more classes, where I was freaking sleepy...
So after I got home, I gamed some more... finishing half an hour ago with 2 losses that i fed....

You know... you shouldn't game when your tired... There is something called sleep! But I am actually the wrong person to tell you that....

Well, see ya

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