Sonntag, 26. Mai 2013

Loss of motivation

Except for going to church I did pretty much nothing... I gamed for like 2 hours and the rest of the time went by quite fastly again.

So do you guys know the feeling, when you don't shave for a week and then finally look in the mirror and go like: "Nah, that looks awful... I need to shave!" and afterwards feel horrible??
Well, I do... I mean it looks horrible on me, still without it I feel tons of confidence and feel more stressed out!
Also, did you know that beeing near women makes your beard grow faster??
But we are heading to the wrong topic!

Today and yesterday night I tried out Panzar.... IT'S GOOD! It's really great, no shit! You should try it too! The games are really short, so your still pretty flexible and it's not that addicting. Today playing 2 hours felt more than enough and I'm really into the game!

Oh yeah, concerning Shaiya, I am trying a way to make ingame money there... I wonder if that sells for cash?  If I would succeed that would be awesome! Maybe I could make 10 easy Euros and start placing bets on bwin! For funsies of course... not really interesting in betting. And Money is not the most important thing, you know! I am just curious.

And I mean, if god gives me money, than I am glad. And I give at least 10% back as donation every month (to local church! baptists donate only!)

Oh yeah, today's topic was in Moses 1 Chapter 19. It was about, how Lot chose where to go, how high he got there and when angels knocked at his door and told him to leave all that behind, he wanted to compromize (trading bad for lesser bad, yet that is not the path god wants us to choose!). Even while beeing saved, Lot tried to stay near Sodom, in a little town called Zoar. Yet it wasn't enough for Lot and then he finally went to the hills where god wanted him to go in the first place.
Lot got too much involved into his position and he glued his heart to things that were important.

Someone might say that I am glueing my heart to Games! They might be right, but I don't think so. But I had days where I played a lot less and they will come soon again. I never stayed home for playing games, or when my mum asked me for something, I left the game and helped her. Sometimes I procrastinate from time to time but thanks to god, I am a good student! I've got lot's of A's (not Aced... because I am just too lazy for that.... but laziness is something else). And of course, when I find a good book, I'd rather read than game.

Well that's enough for today,
See you tomorrow :)

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